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The Synergy Dreamers get ready for the Landaid SleepOut 2024

We are proud to announce that our ‘Synergy Dreamers’ Jenny Howard and Olivia Muse are taking part in the Landaid Sleepout happening on Thursday 7th March!
Armed with a sleeping bag and a cardboard box, Olivia and Jenny will be sleeping outside in the Shepherd’s Bush area of London to raise vital funds to help end youth homelessness.
So far, our Synergy Dreamers have fundraised an incredible £531 which will go towards creating safe places for young people to sleep.
Why Landaid?
Landaid works with charity partners by investing in a range of projects and programmes to give young people full end-to-end support, enabling them to overcome homelessness and forge a path to a brighter future.
Homelessness doesn’t always mean living on the streets. It means not having somewhere to call home, somewhere that is safe, secure and pleasant to live in. Many young people experiencing homelessness become stuck in a cycle of moving from sofas to emergency accommodation, not knowing where they will next sleep day-to-day.
Not having a permanent base makes everything in life so much harder, such as access to education, holding down a job or simply fulfilling basic needs.
Being homeless is not only dangerous to someone’s physical wellbeing, but is also causing a huge mental health crisis. Displaced young people become disconnected from family and friends, feel isolated from society and suffer from feelings of low self-worth.
If you are able to make a donation to our team, however small, it is very much appreciated: