Synergy News & Blog: London Office
Exciting Roman Archaeological discovery at St Michaels C of E Primary School

It has been extremely exciting to see Archaeology of national importance revealed beneath an extension to St Michaels C of E Primary School underway in St Albans. The project has been designed and managed by Synergy Construction and Property Consultants LLP as part of the expansion to one-form-entry. Meticulous advance planning paid off including financial and time allowances for the anticipated excavation. Synergy carefully secured the necessary statutory permissions including Schedule Monument Consent, Listed building consent, Protected trees and planning permission in a conservation area. These had potentially conflicting interests which required understanding and collaborative working with the various authorities, the client and other consultants.
The excavation revealed the corner of the Roman Basilica which adjoined the Forum at the commercial and civic centre of the Roman town. The flint foundation wall of a colonnaded portico which ran along the front of the building on Watling Street was discovered together with pier bases of the corner entrance and the Roman road itself. A large number of small finds have been recovered. These will eventually be displayed at Verulamium Museum which is immediately opposite the site. The school children have had preview site tours organised by the archaeologists before visitors from around the country.
Cantilevered foundations are designed so that concrete piles can be eccentrically positioned to avoid the surviving archaeology. The excavation will be covered over at the end of the month as the extension superstructure is built up. An inspection chamber is to be provided in the floor so a column base can be permanently viewed in the future.
The link to the excavation web site and photographs can be found at